New games every week!
20th September 2010
In many ways, I preferred doing AGameAWeek. Mostly because I'd actually have something to post here at least once a week!
As it is, I'm finding it hard to come up with interesting things to post during my little hiatus. Perhaps I should start posting silly Youtube links every day? Rather than splitting my blog off into 100 different sites, just clump it all together into one? *shrugs* Its an idea, right!? -=-=- View on YouTube NeoPlatDS is getting lovelier each week. I'm taking time to add things a bit at a time, and with the recent "Linear Level Structure", things are taking shape a bit more than they were before. Things to do. 1. Enemy : Only Bat's in there. That's not NeonPlat!!! 2. Lives : You can't currently die. Actually, in my none-recorded version you can, but I tried adding a "Flickering sprite = shield" thing, but it looks a heck of a lot worse than I was expecting it to. .. Seems like a good time to dig out the Arc again! 3. Scoring : As is very evident from the video, there's no scoring yet. 4. Playmodes : I'm not sure what I'll be doing with these, but they usually crop up as I go along! Neat Vid : Light Drive Views 55, Upvotes 9
Daily Blog
New games every week!