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Balancing Blog
13th January 2019
Most of the game is now functional, and I'm fairly happy with how it's turning out.

Today will be about Balancing the game, to make it so that I can get further than Level One in Hard Mode!!


Instead of my usual "Easy, Normal, Hard", I've split the game into "Arcade" and "Explorer" modes, with the Arcade being short sweet little levels, and Explorer being much larger sprawling levels.
I enjoy both types, but sometimes you want to play little levels, and others giant ones, so I figured this was a good way to allow both options.

I've still a couple of more elements that I'd like to add to the game, but mostly it's nice and playable.
Currently the "Explorer" mode is far too difficult, and is managing to kill me alarmingly quickly, so I need to reduce the harshness a little, and balance out the weapon pickups a bit better.

Release : Maybe tomorrow?
Hmm... Still got plenty of tweaks to do, though!
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