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New games every week!
5th January 2019
I really need to organise some of the recent additions. Foldapuz and the JNKsg Sprite Doohickey still don't have proper links, and I've been saying for AGES that I need a single "Tools" page to deal with all of those.
-=-=- Today, I'll likely spent way too much time thinking about that, instead of concentrating on the game like I'm supposed to. This has been much of a running theme, this week, as my head doesn't seem quite ready enough to get back into the regular swing of things. Perhaps I just need to force myself to get some coding done, instead of fluffing about with all of the other hundreds of things that I'm attempting to do. Speaking of which, yesterday I struggled (yet again!) to try to compile an Android version of the framework. All this time, and I'm still nowhere closer to the goal. Perhaps I should officially declare that a failure, and simply move on. .. It would still be nice to be able to post OUYA-compatible versions of my recent games, though. Bah, humbug!! Meanwhile, I've still barely made any progress on the Metal (Mac/iOS) version of the framework. Mostly that's just down to a lack of wanting to sit at my desk and actually make use of the Mac. Sitting on the couch with a laptop is much more comfortable, but I refuse to pay £18,000+ for a Macbook! Views 93, Upvotes 20
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