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Daily Doings Blog
11th October 2018
Lots of fairly minor things happened yesterday.


First, I spent a LOT of the day trying to wrangle some nice IP Banning on the site.
Don't worry, it's nothing evil, I just need to manage the number of hackybots that are currently trying all manner of ways to poke holes in the server.
I've managed to whittle it down to a couple of simple php scripts, but now need to find a way to trigger the "sudo" command without actually resorting to writing something which could be used to further crack holes in the server.
This is all rather intricate stuff, and I'm taking my time with it so I don't completely stuff it all up!

Next, another new set of levels for JNKPlat. That seemed to go fairly well, but I found myself thinking about the online component. I really do need to start working on that. I haven't, yet!

And then, to round off the day, my head decided that I should probably make a start on a new Collexion for this year.
I made a brief start, but nothing major.
I've decided that this year's Collexion will probably be of smaller sized games, since .. you know.. I have just over a month to write 24 games, and I'm still working on other things at the same time!!

Bit of a panic, if I'm honest!!

And, realistically, I might not manage it all in time.

Still, worth a shot, right?!
... and if I don't manage to get everything done by Dec 1st, I can always scale things back a bit, and release it as a 12 Games of Xmas.
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