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Year 2 : Part 2 : Merry Christmas!
6th September 2010
54 games. Last year I only managed about 30-odd, so I think that's pretty good going.
Sure, it might not have truely actually been A Game "Per" Week, but I did at least keep the ratio up. If I hadn't taken the time out to build the framework, I probably would've actually achieved the target a little better The stats show I was pretty much on top of things up until that point, but then things got slower and slower until my buffer zone was all dried up. Anyhoo, this is a nice big lengthy retrospective, and we'll be looking back at each game, giving 'em all a fresh score, and seeing how it all tots up. You can download each game by clicking their titles. 1 to 18 : 19 to 30 : 30 to 54 -=-=- Year 2 : Part 2 : Merry Christmas!Over Xmas, 2009, I decided that I should attempt to make a different game for each of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Most ended up being slightly rushed, but there's a few fun ones here. 19 - A Partridge in a Pear Tree25 December 2009A "Spot the partridge" shooting gallery! I was slightly worried that someone out there would complain about my apparent cruelty to animals, over the coming weeks, so I started with a simple harmless game. You shoot, and the partridge flaps away. He's never harmed! He's happy! Overall, the game's quite tricky in places, mostly because the partridges seem to vanish into the folliage. And what lovely leafy trees they are, too! Polish : 3Lovely leaves! Playability : 4It's like Duck Hunt, only with less movement! Still perfectly playable. Completeness : 2Probably could've done with tougher levels, more birds, things like that. But I aimed to roughly match the titles, so it never got any further. 20 - Two Turtle Doves26 December 2009A maze hunting game, with Thrust-esque gravity fighting! You control one turtle dove, and must meet him to his partner. You can roughly tell where she is, by watching the direction of oncoming coos. Also, the faster they appear, the closer you are to her. It's a slow paced mazey game, and it doesn't care if you know it! Polish : 2A horrible jittery grid kept cropping up for reasons unknown, and rather than fix the bug, I made it even more apparent, so that it looked as though it was done on purpose. Tricks of the trade!! Playability : 2The mazes were probably a little bit TOO big! Completeness : 4Not much to do, but there's a mountain of randomly generated mazes to play through, if you have a spare week or two to do it! 21 - Three French Hens27 December 2009This one was suggested by PixelProspector's Authentic Kaizen, who said it'd be fun to hop on top of the hens for a bit. Sure is! It's also #2 in our strangely unseasonal "cruely to animals" list! Polish : 4A barn, a stickman, and some little hens. There wasn't much to go wrong, here. Playability : 5Hopping on Hens is so much fun! Completeness : 2Again, the game was limited by the song's list. If it could've been bigger, it would've! 22 - Four Colly Birds28 December 2009This time, we're not trying to kill the animals! But you do need to avoid them with your little rocket. As the birds get close, your rocket is harmed. This game is slightly more "Thrust" than the last one, although it's actually more like Asteroids. But without any cruelty to animals! Polish : 3Blue, Blue skies! Playability : 2It probably could've played better than it does. Completeness : 0This game isn't even slightly complete! 23 - Five Gold Rings29 December 2009In Five Gold Rings, you need to drop a ball into the arena, and watch as it tries to hit each of the rings. If you fail, pick the ball up to try again. This game took the longest of all the 12 games of xmas, and was scrapped/restarted multiple times before getting to the very rough stage it's currently in. Must try harder! Polish : 2Could easily have had a little bit of spit and polish! It's messy! Playability : 5For the small number of levels that are actually there, it's actually really quite playable, albeit a little quirky! Completeness : 2Only 7 levels, could easily have been a whole lot more. 24 - Six Geese a-Laying30 December 2009A super-quick remake of MadBomber, whereby you need to collect all the eggs into the basket, as they fall. Miss 5 times, and it's game over. Polish : 3It's not much, but it's enough! Playability : 4Almost right, but there are times when you have eggs dropping almost simultaneously, at opposite sides of the screen. Impossible!! Completeness : 2There wasn't really too much I could've added, but I'm sure if I tried, I could've come up with more. 25 - Seven Swans a Swimming31 December 2009Back to the Cruelty to Animals streak, here we see you trying desperately to save a pack of swans from an oncoming swarm of horrible death inducing spikey things. Save all the swans, by feeding them bread! Polish : 2Many effects were left out of this. I wanted more, but rushed.. Playability : 2The game doesn't quite feel as playable as it would've, give enough time. AGameADay doesn't lead to very many good games! Completeness : 0Bah! 26 - Eight Maids a-Milking01 January 2010Pass the buckets, and collect the Milk, as Ted Bob tries his hand at being a farmer. Plenty of mouse work, here, as you grab the buckets full of milk, and try to fill up the giant milk bottle as fast as you can. Fastest time wins! Polish : 2Probably should try to draw better, next time Playability : 3It's ok, but it's not really! Completeness : 2Feels as rushed as it is! 27 - Nine Drummers Drumming02 January 2010The nine drummers march in line, and it's your task to help them avoid the vomit stains that happen to be all over the road. Guide them up and down, dodge the puke, carry on! Polish : 2Nice little drumloop, but nothing could really have saved the terrible art style! Playability : 1This isn't much of a game, at all! Completeness : 0Aww... 28 - Ten Pipers Piping03 January 2010A nice simple Lemmings style game, for this one. Guide the piper's towards the exit, using the little Stop signs to turn them around. With only a limited number of signs, and 10 whole pipers, you're going to need to move the signs around as they march! Polish : 4Quite nice, actually! Playability : 5Nice and simple, but gets tricky WAY too quickly! Completeness : 2As usual, it's a case of "Not enough levels". 29 - Eleven Ladies Dancing04 January 2010This game was planned from the very beginning, and turned out to be every bit as much fun as I expected! Tap the buttons in time with the music, to make all eleven ladies dance! Polish : 5There's plenty of polish on those floors! Playability : 5It's a none-rapping Parappa style game! Play away! Completeness : 4If I was being really whingey about it, I'd say that 1 tune isn't enough. 30 - Twelve Lords a-Leaping05 January 2010What better way to round off Xmas, than with a game of Jet Set Willy? This game, too, was planned from the start. In many ways, I started planning these 12 games in the wrong order, and very quickly realised it when I had to write Game #1, but had only planned the last two! whoops! Never mind.. Polish : 5Feel great! Playability : 5Plays great! Completeness : 5And keeps on going! Tomorrow, 2010, it's the FUTURE!!! Views 89, Upvotes 9
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