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Memmery Fale Blog
18th April 2018
I need to double check, but I think the big Grid[] array might be having issues.


Last night I wrote a basic Platformer Level Generator, which creates a series of (hopefully) navigable rooms/areas, fit for the next game.
I'm not currently sure if the game will end up being a Clampett game, but that's the initial plan, at least.

Anyhoo, after getting the proto-generator working, I copied the test engine over to the 3DS, and that's where it failed spectacularly.
The levels on the PC are nice and formed, but on the 3DS, they're coming out in insanely broken forms, and generating oodles of errors along the way.

I'm not 100% sure what's causing that. Whether it's an issue with my generator function, or if it's something to do with trying to keep a giant array in the memory of the 3DS.
To be fair, could be either!!

Today I'll be tweaking and poking and prodding to see if I can figure it out.
After all, I can't have a game not work on the 3DS!!
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