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3DS Homebrew Gets Closer Blog
17th April 2018
I said I was going to work on a Mini Clampett sequel this morning, so I cloned the project folder and opened it up, and then went "Hey, I bet I know what's wrong with the 3DS Engine.."


A number of hours later, and I'd made MASSIVE improvements on the way it runs. I mean HUGE!!!
Now that I've reduced the insanely large "Grid" array down to a manageable size for the poor little thing, it's made general memory handling a little easier.

I spent the time testing all manner of limitations, figuring out would work on the hardware, and more importantly, what would cause the hardware to crash out almost immediately.

Interesting fact, if you try to create an 8x8 pixel texture, the hardware throws a major wobbler and does an old-skool 8bit stripy-screen style crash!!
That was fun to see!!!

And, again, something that the emulator won't crash with, because the emulator's slightly more sturdy than the aging hardware in the original 3DS.

Anyhoo, I should probably work on that game.. Hmm..

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