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Ready...!? Blog
26th February 2018
I'm fairly happy that Flappadiddle-Doo is ready to go.
Over the next hour or so, I'll recompile, get all the assets redone, and get things uploading.

Meanwhile, last night was spent watching the 3D Printer printing the second test SoCoder ball.


The results were quite nice. Of course, it could've been a bit cleaner, but then I'd've had to have rendered it in "Full Quality" mode, and that probably would've taken all night.
As it was, the 4.2cm ball ended up taking around about 3 hours to print, and that was long enough for a test!!

Whilst waiting for the print to complete, I spent a good while tackling the MacOS Save issue. In the end, I opted to turn off Sandboxing for now, which probably isn't the best idea in the world, but it'll have to do until I can fix it.
Over the next few weeks, I hope to look into it a little further, and see if I can figure it out properly.

Anyhoo, compiling and uploading. That's today's task.
See you again, in an hour or so!
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Blog - Ready...!? - AGameAWeek