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Almost There... Blog
25th February 2018
Been playing the Windows edition of Flappadiddle-Doo for most of the day..
.. Playtesting, honest!!

Had to play through the "World" levels over and over, just to be sure they're doable.

Tweaks yet to be done, include making the "Bonus Multiplier" a bit more obvious. I'm not sure how best to do that, but it'll probably just end up being a star-system or a red/amber/green light thing... You'll know what I did, once it's ready!

Once that's done, I'm going to spend the rest of tonight trying my best to get the Mac Saves to work properly. I'm really not sure how to fix that.

But, yeah, pretty close and the game's feeling nice and ready to go.

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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Almost There... - AGameAWeek