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Edging Closer Blog
22nd February 2018
The game's a little closer to release, as I've stress tested all the "Main" levels.


I need to add a bit more Death to the later levels, so will be focusing on that, today.
I also need to add little cages for the birdies that you'll be rescuing in each world, too, to give it a more progression-based feel.

As well as that, I've forgotten to properly integrate the online scoreboards. Oops!
They "function", but only in a test/debug manner. I need to get it to trigger during the game-over display, so that it saves the scores, finds the newest highscores, and then uploads if you've beaten your previous one.
I'll also add a "Every X plays" re-uploader, to be sure it retries if the server hiccups along the way!

But I'm getting to the end of the project, now, and I'm starting to feel a little relieved that everything's more or less come along relatively smoothly.

.. And then I'll release it, and there'll no doubt be a bazillion things wrong with it!


I've now got my 3D printer to the point where it spurting out splodges that aren't quite right, which is infinitely better than it not spurting out anything at all..
They weren't kidding when they said this was complicated!
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