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First Release Ahoy! Blog
5th February 2018
If you haven't yet tried out Flappadiddle-Doo's first release, please give it a try, and let me know how well it does or doesn't work on your given system.
Thanks for trying.


Today I've a couple of touchups to do in the dev-methodology.
I could do with adding readme's to the bundles, so folk know how to set up OpenAL and things like that.
I should probably more-automate the Mac stuff on the actual Mac. At the minute you need to run the .bat script on the PC to create and populate the project folder, then drag'n'drop that over to the Mac to compile it.
It'd be much neater if the Mac could do the project creation itself.

I need to fix up icons on the Mac, too, as they're currently not working at all.

Then it's on to the Mobile versions again.
I've not had a lot of luck with those, so far.

But otherwise, most of the feedback seems more or less positive.
One guy on SoCoder complained that the game killed his PC's audio until restart. I'm definitely going to have to look into that issue.
But otherwise, things seem to be running smoothly enough to call this a success.

I think.

.. Maybe!

Be sure to let me know if you have any issues.
Or indeed, if everything runs smoothly.

Thanks for testing!
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