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Flappadiddle-Doo - Test One Blog
4th February 2018

First test!

We'll call this the proto-test, since I'm still not 100% sure things are going to run AT ALL, let alone well!!

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    Your task, should you be willing to play Guinea Pig, is to download and try running the version corresponding to your current OS.
    Currently there are no Mobile editions.

    The game *should* more or less work. There may be glitches in gameplay, but those should probably be ignored for the meantime.
    What I need to know, is whether the game runs for you, first and foremost.

    After that, any weird behaviour should be mentioned.

    The game's status is "Roughly like it was", although the online scoreboards aren't yet functioning.
    Over the coming weeks, I'll be advancing the game beyond what it normally is, but first I need to know it's working.

    Any thoughts/comments are welcome.

    Thankyou to all.

    Biggest Known Issue : The Mac version doesn't currently save scores or anything. This is being worked on!!!
    Views 344, Upvotes 41  
    Flappadiddle-doo , 2018 Framework , Experimental
    New games every week!
    Site credits : Site built from the ground up, in php, using Programmer's Notepad 2, and a very bored Jayenkai.
    (c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 80

    Blog - Flappadiddle-Doo - Test One - AGameAWeek