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C++ to XCode to iOS
26th January 2018
Starting the iOS thing from scratch, due to my usual case of overcomplicating things!
-=-=- The transition from GLFW to GLES is not as easy as it could be. Quite why they could've have developed a minimal version of GLFW that simply ignores things such as Window settings, keyboard input, and the like, I'm not sure. But, hey ho, whatever. Since the last time I attempted to run the framework on iOS, I've added a WHOLE lot of new code. I figured it'd be easier to redo-from-start than try to patch up the last attempt. So, I'm starting it again. Renaming .cpp files to .mm* in the hopes that they'll all flow much easier, and commenting out HUGE sections of GLFW code that I'll later be replacing with GLES stuff. (* Don't ask me why, but XCode doesn't quite understand a .cpp file, and prefers it to be a .mm file. I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation for that..) The framework is now Almost compiling on iOS. And Almost is about as well as I got it going, last time. The main difference being that today's Almost only took about 2 hours to get not-working, whereas the last time I'd wasted the entire day trying to not get it to work! I've also managed to copy-back a lot of the code changes, which are now permanently part of the Framework code. So.. Um.. Yeah, progress! Hurrah! Views 75, Upvotes 13
2018 Framework
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