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Lazily Viewing Blog
20th January 2018
I spent most of the night, switched off from coding, and instead watched a lot of YouTube stuff.

Lots of complaining about YouTube's stupid new Ad-Revenue rules, meaning hundreds and thousands of vloggers are being hit hard.

In addition, @Geekanoids is having a terrible time after a burst pipe caused oodles of damage to his Studio.

In many ways, YouTube isn't the greatness it used to be, but annoyingly they've pretty much destroyed any and all competition, so people are stuck with it.
There's always Vimeo.. .... But who uses that?!



So I got the groundwork for the Scrambler working, yesterday, and today will be about trying to reverse the process, but also attempting to test a simple scoreboard upload to the server.
I've created a fake scoreboard for testing, and that should hopefully be more than enough.

I also then need to stress test the functions on Linux and Mac, before once again fighting with XCode to see if I can get that iOS version up and running again.

In addition, I should really try to figure out how to do xcodeproj generation, so that I don't have to fiddle about every time I'm trying to create a new game.

Lots to be getting on with, then.

.. And an oncoming migraine, to make the adventure all that more interesting.
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