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.. But Quirky.. Blog
11th November 2017


The Benchmark thing from the other day starts running well on the Linux setup, but seems to crash after about 2 minutes..

It takes about 20 seconds per "thing", as opposed to the 5 that it should, but then I've not set up Hardware graphics acceleration, so it's really struggling to do anything decent.
I'll probably set that up, and see if it works any better, but I'm slightly worried that the crash might be something deeper in the code. After all the Linux system .cpp is currently identical to the Windows system .cpp, so it's not been optimised in the slightest, yet.

Today will either be that, or finding a Lazy-Jay way to get iOS dev working again. I'm not sure why my MacMini's suddenly decided that it isn't going to do Desktop Sharing properly any more.
Perhaps it really really really wants me to update it to the latest MacOS?
Or maybe Apple have decided that this is the end of the line for my model of MacMini, and have screwed over 95% of its functionality.

Only joking. I don't believe Apple really do that.
.. Honest!!
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