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Focus Day Blog
22nd October 2017


I decided not to work on the Framework, yesterday, and instead focus on the more immediate issues.


First up, I got "Oh, What a Dungeon" up to a fairly decent stage. The gameplay's now more or less complete, and the game finally has a title, logo, icon, screenshots, etc.
Pretty sure it's good to go, but I've yet to test it on AndroidTV, so I'll be doing that later today.
Otherwise, it's pretty much finished.


Next, I wrote this week's "Inside Jay's Notebook" post for the Patreon page. Taking a peek at vague scribbles from the days when I used to make fairly feature-complete level editors!!
You can find that over on the Patreon Page, but it's for Subscribers only.... ... So Subscribe!!!!

Sheep Continues to Go Right

With that out of the way, and 2 players (@platformalist & @slamraman) having already 100%'d the game, I switched focus back to Sheep Goes Right.

I'm currently trying to build a new level generator that will (*should!) ALWAYS build beatable levels.

At the minute it's still occasionally making impassable areas.
One of its common tricks seems to be making you slow down in front of a spinning X of spikes, whilst flinging a wheel/barrel/whatever at you at the same time.
This is, as you'd expect, completely impossible to get past!

So, I spent a while adding all manner of little rules into the generator, to ensure everything flows in a more logical way.

Today I need to add some new objects into the game, to keep things interesting, and then I'll be having to do the boring job of sitting and playing through another 100 levels, ensuring they're beatable, and tweaking rules when they're not.

.. A fun day ahead!!
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 76

Blog - Focus Day - AGameAWeek