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Y2:W50 - *sigh*
9th August 2010
Last Sunday I had the worst migraine I've had in ages. Ack!!
For the rest of last week I felt mostly drained, not much energy, and I haven't really done too much of anything. This weekend I think I just plain gave up and have spent about 48 hours asleep!-=-=- Not quite sure what's going on, but I mentioned last week that my body's probably having some sort of issues with the whole "AGameAWeek" thing! With AGameAWeek going, the whole new Online Scoreboard system getting worked on, iPhone development on the go, and even website fixups.. Maybe it's too much? So much to do, so little energy! bummer.. This week, no game. A shame, but I'm taking it before things start to get worse! Being ill sucks! I drew some sprites the other day, and I'd like to get a game done with them, so expect something Sheriff-Munky based, next Tuesday. For week #50, No game Views 52, Upvotes 10
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