New games every week!
OK, Now What?>
5th August 2010
Authentic Kaizen (, ideaman behind NeonPlat) has sent a few new game ideas. Some are short and sweet, but the most tempting one feels like it needs a little care and attention.
I feel like I want to do something with it, but am struggling to come up with a way to compress it into a week's worth of code. I think, what I might actually do, is leave it a few weeks. Once I hit the 52nd week of year 2, and another whole year's worth of games, I'll be taking a small rest. Maybe about a month's worth of time off. During this time, for about a week, I'm going to be stuck at work every morning, which'll be eating chunks out of my regular coding time. Luckily, the two event coincided with each other, so that's not a big deal. But I'm also going to be taking some time out to actually play a few games. I've really not been playing a whole lot, for a long while, and I think I need to refresh my game ideas a little. Meantime, I'll slowly but surely work on Kaizen's "big idea", spending time crafting a few loving levels and things. Maybe it'll work out.. .. Maybe it won't! But it's worth a try. Still, that's a few weeks away, and there's another 3 games to make before then. Time to go idea-hunting!! Views 32, Upvotes 9
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