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Cardagain and again and again.. Blog
31st July 2010
This wasn't planned, but I'm pissing about with Cardagain again!
So, I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
I've spent a few hours rebuilding my original BlitzMax version of Cardagain, and I'm going to add a few test bits and pieces onto it (to see what does/doesn't work) before then transferring them back over to the iPhings.
Meanwhile, I can post that nice new super-hi-def Cardagain here, and you guys can all play it.

That'll be Tuesday's game, and it'll also be the thing taking up all my time this week.
I've also done quite a bit of work on the Online stuff, though, so.. not being lazy!!

Tuesday : Cardagain for Win/Mac/Linux!
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