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Starting Something.. Blog
25th February 2017


Yesterday's release of Blockman Returns was, if I'm honest, a bit of a surprise!


I was sat playing it for about an hour, when I realised the game was already a perfectly viable game.
In the world of AGameAWeek, when a game is ready, then it's ready.
I could've spent all weekend trying to come up with additional features, but in all honesty, if it's ready, then why bother!?
If I come up with extras, I'll add a fourth "Arcade Mode" option to the game list, but otherwise I'm happy with the way the game's turned out.
.. And hopefully you will be, too.


So, with that that out the door, it's time to look ahead to next-next week.
Next Friday, March 3rd, I'll (hopefully!) be getting my Nintendo Switch, along with Zelda and 1-2-Switch. .. And apparently Fast RMX will be available on the eShop, that day, too.
Whatever game I decide to make, then, should probably be ready before that, because once I get my new toy, the whole weekend will be dedicated to that!

I started, yesterday, by creating a generator that could come up with a nice area to play in.


Due to how long it takes to generate, I'll have to pre-generate it and hardcode it into the game's engine, rather than create it on the fly. I'm currently wondering how best to include the masses of data, but I'm sure I'll come up with something, soon enough.

Quite what type of game it'll be, I'm still not 100% sure, but I'm fairly certain it'll be something with a little guy wandering about the place!

Not a clue!
Today, I'll be spending some time drawing various tiles to make everything look a little better, once it's ingame.

Daily Doodle : The Mower

The lawn's starting to get a bit messy.
Time for more mowing!


I've made a map to wander 'round.
I'll now add things which must be found.
Some evil things within the ground.
And paths the hero must be bound.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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