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World Cup Challenge : June 12th : Part One Blog
12th June 2010
Jayenkai's World Cup Challenge : A plan to do something, rather than sit watching football for 90 minutes each and every day..

I'm off to watch the season finale of Stargate Universe!
Meanwhile, here's my first 45 minutes.
Not sure what I'm going to do in my other 45 minutes, but the first half turned out ok!
.. although it took up all of my 45 minutes!!!
And it really wasn't meant to take that long!!

"That'll be a quick job", thought me.
.. was it balls!!

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Productivity in Two Halves
Part One

Decide to keep my "Tunnel of Flinging Screenshots", and rather than just have that as the "200 Games!" trailer, I'll mix it with the AGameAWeek logo on top, so I can reuse it at the end of game videos, rather than my usual "And here's the logo" thing.

Load 1500 screens into VirtualDub, and create 120fps, 12.5 second clip. (it used to be 25 seconds when it was 60fps!!)

.. waiting.. They're big 1920x1080 pics..

Load EditStudio, shove video into there, add logo, re-render.

Tweak render, since it's completely freaking out at the thought of having to do things in widescreen.

Retweak render, since it's still messed up from the aspect switch.

Bloody zoom!
Retweak, re-render!!

.. rendering 1920x1080 videos takes ages! Gonna have to redo it again, in a jiffy, 'cos EditStudio still doesn't like rendering to xvid!


..It'd be nice to have this at the front-end of games, but I'm not sacrificing 42Mb just to do it!!!

and trying to figure out HOW to play the video, nice and quickly!

nearly done..

Rerendering in VirtualDub with compression.

Test video with something quick..
Grab a WarioWare clip from the other day, shove that at the start, pop the new endy thing at the end, re-render.

Bah, aspect ratio again..

Back in VirtualDub, render a second version that's 1440x1080

Render EditStudio test..
Takes AGES, even for a quick 15 second test, mostly because it's reading an xVid compressed file..
Might've been a bad idea doing that, but I didn't want 2 great big 6Gb video clips constantly sat on my HD!

Recompress using VirtualDub

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Blog - World Cup Challenge : June 12th : Part One - AGameAWeek