New games every week!
Grrr.. GUI.. Blog
10th September 2016


Have I mentioned how much I hate doing Menus?


Menus and GUIs and especially things that need to be controlled with both Mouse and Keyboard and GameController.
This week's game needs all three, and it's a right pain in the arse!
I worked on that over much of yesterday, and finally managed to wrangle it into some sort of gameplay.
Today I need to tweak a few more things, then add some kind of tutorial into the game, because it's incredibly baffling, otherwise!!


EventsEarly rise again.
Got bloggy stuff done, then posted next week's ALChoon preview to the Patreon page.
10-12Dice rolling, complete with tests, done. Back to working on the GUI again!
12-2Bloody GUIs.. Grrr!
2-4More work on Dice game.
4-6Dice game is now at a "Working" state, but needs oodles of tutorial'y stuff, as well as controller controls, and more. Loads to do!
6-8More tweaking to the Dice game.
Gave up far too early, last night. Watched telly and chilled out!
Productivity : 2/5

Daily Doodle : Danger!

Oh dear.
The Fire Brigade are out in full force.
Someone left the oven on!


Coding and Sleeping
Then Coding some more.
For anyone else,
this would all be a bore.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll usually show up on my daily blog, the very next day.
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Blog - Grrr.. GUI.. - AGameAWeek