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Release - 2016-32 - Snake on a Moving Plain Blog
16th August 2016
A simple little game to keep you occupied..



You can Download Snake on a Moving Plain here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

The Brief

You can pretty much guess exactly how this game flows!
Run around the maze, collect the pellets and try not to smash into anything.

It's a good old fashioned Snake game!



- Move

How not to Lose

See the walls? Don't hit them!
And try not to eat yourself, either.

What I didn't do/Possible Improvements

Over on the Patreon page, last week, I asked if anyone had any suggestions for a Snake game.
Nz17 suggested the following.

How about power-ups that shrink the tail? How about picking up power-ups sometimes causes the table/playfield to spin or flip or rotate? Or hey, sometimes they could cause the table to change colors! Here's one: have certain tiles that make up the floor that, after you pass over them, they fall out of the table, so you can't pass over that square again until the next stage. How about rare power-ups that let you skip the current level? What about bouncy walls/pillars that cause the snake not to die, but to bounce in the opposite direction? Perhaps the player should be able to get an armor pick-up that prevents the snake from dying one time? There you go, some suggestions.

Things I did do
Shrink the tail (albeit more of an obstacle than a powerup)
Level Skip : There are no levels! I initially added a "It clears all the blocks" powerup, but that seemed far too powerful. Instead, I underpowered this, and it became the "Bomb-ish" powerup that's now in the game.
Level changes colour : Also part of the "Bomb-ish" powerup.

Things I didn't do
Spin/flip/rotate the level : I felt the movement was plenty already.
"..after you pass over them, they fall.." : I actually had this in, for a little while, but with everything moving it was causing severe "Collecting the pill insta-kills you!" issues.
Bouncy Walls : Would cause the snake to smash into its tail, insta-killing it. It simply didn't work.
Armour/Shield : Would've been easy enough to add, but felt like it'd make the game much easier!

So, in actuality, I only used a few of Nz17's ideas. Ooops, sorry about that!
But, as always, the remaining ideas will be plopped into my random bag of ideas for future use.
Watch this space!!

The Download

You can Download Snake on a Moving Plain here for Windows, play it in your browser, or find it on your Razer Forge TV (via Cortex) or other Droid-TV device of choice, once it's gotten through review!

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Blog - Release - 2016-32 - Snake on a Moving Plain - AGameAWeek