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Y2:W40 - Boing Again
1st June 2010
This week's game didn't quite turn out as well as expected.
We'll call this week a fail, I think! Still, you could probably play it once, if you could be bothered, and then delete it in a slight rage that you played something that wasn't all that good! Amiga's Boing Ball bounces around the platform level, and collects Amiga Ticks. Every so often, time loops around, and you'll find yourself similarly be bouncing around, alongside yourself. Collect 75% of the ticks to complete the level, and don't accidentally touch yourself, 'cos that'll kill you. That's pretty much it! I was kinda hoping it might magically become fun (see Blockman Gets, Microbes, Centipong, RetroRaider, etc!) but nothing really happened, and the game continued to be a bit dull. A shame. It's full of AmigaLuv, though!! You can grab it over at The Jayenkai Archive for Windows, Linux and Mac. But not Amiga I'll try better next week! --- AGAW Scoring : 40 weeks, 40 games, far too busy, lots to do! Views 162, Upvotes 18
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