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Video Editing Blog
15th June 2016


I've finished creating videos for the last of the Deconstructed AL Bum, so I figured it was probably a safe time to start faffing about with a new video generator.


I'm going to attempt to make a more "proper" video editor, this time around.
I'm hoping to be able to get it to do all manner of crazy effects, as well as being able to layer effects atop one another, and maybe even do some kind of beat-enhanced effects, too.
It'll certainly be a difficult thing to achieve, especially using Blitz.
I also need to start working on some form of video rendering, rather than just exporting to thousands of bitmaps, and getting ffmpeg to bundle them back up again, later.

.. But how on earth do I do that!?!

Yesterday I started to work on the basic GUI, as well as realising that a simple "Image Resize" would be me ample blurring effects between frames.

Today I'll see if I can figure out that "Export to video" stuff. It's fairly complicated, and won't be an easy job, I'd imagine..

Looks like I might finally have a reason to use those DLL doohickeys..

Daily Doodle : Feeding Time at the Zoo

The crocs are hungry.
Platdude gets extremely close.
He's quite safe, though.
Crocs won't eat the plastic cubes that Platdude's made from.


Frantically hunting to find out a way
to render my frames out to video.
It seems like it's something that would've been done.
But I don't think that anyone's tried it before.


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