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Five Hundred!! Blog
14th May 2016

Please Note : The above video is not intended to show off what the game "looks" like.
I 100% intend to come up with a better graphical style for the game.
.. Having said that, I've only got 2 days to do it, and I have all the artistic talent of a brick.

Could be tricky!
Wish me luck!!



A complete graphical overhaul isn't going to be easy to achieve, but it's absolutely necessary.
Quite what style I'm aiming for, I've no idea. Something happy and smiley and fun to look at, without making the 2-colour thing too hard to distinguish between.
Black and White seem to work quite well, but I'm finding myself wondering how Red vs Blue might appear, and will be trying other combinations in my upcoming quest to find just the right sort of art style for the game.

Oh and it still needs sound.
And music.
And a name.

... Oh, man, I've got LOADS left to do!!!

Daily Doodle : Five Hundred

Platdude's now done 500 of these stupid little daily pixelart things.
He must be crazy!

Reminder : Clicking the "Desktop Bundle" button on the Platdude Pixelart site will give you a massive (currently just under 11Mb) zip file which contains ALL of the desktops so far.
That's a whopping 500 * 1920x1080 desktop images, all in one handy bytesized download.


I've now done five hundred.
And yet there are more..
A thousand? A million?
.. or maybe just four.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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