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Lots of Work to Go Blog
16th April 2016


Hmm.. Wasn't planning on this bit..


Seems that the new game requires proper levels.
I did have a random generator working, but it was creating impassable areas, and blocking things off.
So, instead I need to sit and create level after level. I'm currently up to.. erm.. three!
This week's game certainly won't be up to the usual "A bazillion random levels!" standards of recent AGameAWeeks.

Daily Doodle : Red vs Blue

The annual Red vs Blue re-enactment has begun, with the traditional leap over the gorge.


Today's mail comes from "Hexagonal Cube"

Hey James. Will you ever create a new version of JNKplat2010? It was one of my favorite games especially because it has an leveleditor. It would be great if you create a new Platformer game with a level editor. I would help you if you have not enough time to do graphics and music. I produce electronic music and I love to create pixel art blocks and sprites and I do 3D stuff. Greetings

Hexagonal Cube

Nowadays I focus on the following main three systems.
Windows, HTML5 and OUYA.
Windows is easy, but the other two are trickier.
Html5 has obvious file issues, so it's really tricky to get an editor to load and save, without needing a server backend to host it.
If I DID have a server backend, then that would in fact be quite nice. Let people upload their levels, share like Mario Maker does.
.. But that needs a good server!!!

As for OUYA, that's "just a controller", and it's hard to make good levels with just a dpad.
Not only that, but how do you name your levels that way, too?
And having to register on a server with just a Gamepad? It's not easy. It's all sorts of messy.

And then there's Mobile devices which add a whole host of extra complexities into the mix... Can you imagine how JNKPlat, as is, would control on a mobile device? (Serious question, if you have any suggestions, let me know!!)

I do really really want to do a new JNKPlat.
I fully intend to.
But I have the above issues to contend with first. And, yes, it's taken me since 2010 to try to figure this stuff out!!

*fingers crossed?*

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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