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Arcade Block - March 2016 Blog
1st March 2016
Each month I receive the wonderful Arcade Block from
When you initially sign up, you give them a T-Shirt size, and every month you get a lovely Arcade related TShirt, along with a box full of odd pieces of tat.
Some of the tat is garbage, some of the tat looks nice on a shelf, and occasionally some of the tat is pure awesomeage!


Each month, I run through the tat, and give each item a score out of 10.
The score does NOT suggest whether the item is good or bad. Instead, I've opted to make the scores specific to the way in which the Arcade Block is marketed.
The "Arcade Block" is branded as a box full of "Arcade" related items, so each and every item is given a score based on how Arcadey it is.
If an game is renowned for being a Arcade Coin-Op classic, it gets a 10/10
If the game has only ever briefly been seen in Arcades, it scores about 7/10
If it's rarely ever been seen in an Arcade, it gets a lower 3/10
And if the game is nothing more than a generic home-console FPS thing, it'll get 0/10.. Because, really, those are NOT Arcade games!

Oddly, most Nintendo games also score a low low 0/10, or sometimes 1, if it's something like Donkey Kong.

It's an odd way to score it, but if you're sticking the name "Arcade Block" on the thing, then that's the way I'm going to score it!

If you'd like to read about previous NerdBlock and ArcadeBlock boxes that I've received, they're all in this Socoder Thread

March's block, or is this supposed to be Feb's? I dunno..

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Squirtle, and whatever the names of his later evolutions are, which nobody cares about because SQUIIIIRRRRTTLE!!! (Wartortle and Blastoise)
Arcade Score : 0/10 : A lovely TShirt, but Pokemon!=Arcade

Cup Sonic
Sonic on a plastic drink cup. Complete with straw.
Arcade Score : 0.014/10 : That's roughly 1 arcade game vs about 70 home console games.

CD BitTrip
I instantly whipped the CD into the laptop and opened iTunes, ready to rip!
.. But it didn't..
Why wouldn't it let me rip it?!
....Holy munkies, it's actually the games!!!

Beat, Core, Fate, Flux, Runner and Void. All for Win or Mac, and also each one having a collection, too.

Arcade Score : 0/10 : Damn..

Salt and Pepper Mushroom and Pipe!
The Pipe is for Salt, the Mushroom's for Pepper, and they sit together in a lovely way!
Arcade Score : 0.014/10 : In the interest of Fairness, we'll give Mario the same Arcade score that Sonic gets.

Bonus Goodies

My Cousin gets all the Zelda stuff.

Tea Towel Hyrule Map
From what I can see of it, it looks like a great big map over the size of a tea towel..
This'd look great, framed!
Arcade Score : 0/10 : Zelda != Arcade

Chest : Chest!
A metal chest. Can't argue with that!
Arcade Score : 0/10 : Zelda Still != Arcade

So, there we have it..
0.028/60 : A somewhat pitiful score for a simply wonderful box!
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Blog - Arcade Block - March 2016 - AGameAWeek