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SNOW :D o/ Blog
17th January 2016


A lovely frosty morning!
Snow - Jan 2016


I LOVE snow!
Snow's great for taking lovely, different looking pictures around the garden.
Sure, it's troublesome, and slippery, and awful to drive in.
.. But I don't go anywhere, and am pretty much completely housebound, so YEAY! SNOW!!

Snow - Jan 2016

Meanwhile, I finally got round to adding some sounds to the game.
For some bizarre reason, if I use CoolEdit to record audio from the laptop's inbuilt microphone, the audio comes out weirdly distorted, like it's being run at about half speed, and is all oddly grated and stuff.
.. and so, I recorded myself going "Quaack" and "uungh" and "Qaaaaaak!" some more, in a slightly penguinesque manner, and then with a little Pitch-Up, they actually sound quite decent..
.. Which is somewhat alarming..

Sounds and Music are now in the game, and I just need to add a few more levels and then double check that the game works as expected.
All is nearing completion!
(Although, could still do with WAY more levels, but.. meh, what can you do!?)

Daily Doodle : Stupid Pipes

Platdude accidentally fell into a seemingly bottomless pipe.
He really doesn't enjoy being in Mushroom Land.

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - SNOW :D o/ - AGameAWeek