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Stargate Blog
16th January 2016


Starting my long and arduous Trek through the gate..


After my whole hospital episode, I decided to treat myself to the Stargate Atlantis boxset.
I'd previously owned the entirety of SG1 and enjoyed the commentaries. The Stargate commentaries seem to have more of a "Fun look behind the scenes" than most directors commentaries, so watching the episodes twice-over (Once raw, then again with commentary) didn't feel like a chore.
By comparison, most movies seem to be the directory lazily patting himself on the back, which is frankly dull as dishwater.
So, I treated myself to the Atlantis boxset, and sat it on the shelf by the side of all the SG1's.
I've since watched a few choice "favourite" episodes, but haven't yet done the complete watch-through of the series. This is mostly out of laziness. Having gotten used to streaming on my iPad, via BBC iPlayer, Netflix and "Not LoveFilm Anymore", having to dig circular discs out, and listen to the DVD drive going "Nrrrrrrrr..." whilst watching on my big clunky laptop, seemed somewhat silly.

And so the DVDs sat in their case, mostly unwatched.

Over Xmas, I bought a DVD ripper (WinX DVD Ripper) and set about ripping all my Red Dwarf DVDs.
Having successfully completed all 10 series (and BodySnatcher) I've now decided to rip all those Stargate DVDs.
There are 10 seasons of SG1, 5 of Atlantis, 2 of Universe and then the movies.
There's a lot to go through, and each season seems to be coming out at about 8Gb, so I'm glad I bought that 4Tb NAS drive!

I imagine it'll be quite a while before I've completed the whole lot of them, but at least I've made a start.

... Meanwhile, I really oughta get that game done, eh!?

Daily Doodle : My Little Robot Friend

After watching the new Star Wars movie, Platdude wanted to build his favourite droid.
Unfortunately, there aren't enough Spheres in Platdude's world, so he had to make do with boxes. Poor thing.

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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