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Bonus Needs Many More Levels! Blog
11th January 2016
This week, I've been working on the game Penguin Parade.

This is a semi sequel to the game that appeared in Alpha Collexion, but in reality is more of a Lemmings clone.

Over the course of this week, I've built a sturdy engine, made a few "skills", and got a decent control method to work on gamepads.  I've animated a penguin, and got a few GUI elements in place, and .. In general.. I've made a nice solid little game.  

Except for levels.

I currently have two levels.  Level one is a very rubbish tutorial, and level two introduces a secondary element.  And..  That's it!!

I was going to spend today rushing through the creation of as many levels as I could, but given the way the game works, it's going to need an awful lot of testing for each and every level.

As such, I'm going to make this game a two-week project.  Kinda annoying that only the second game of the year is having to be delayed, but I'd rather finish this one off properly than rush it and have it be a bit naff!

NEXT Tuesday : Penguin Parade!
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