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7-344 - T is for Table! Blog
10th December 2015

Daily Blog

T is also for Tilemap!!



As work continues on the snooker game, I took some time to draw a table.
At the minute, the table is entirely artistic, in that it's just a picture that sits below the game's sprites. I next need to get collisions working with those bumpers, and also manage to get the pockets to gobble up the balls. But it's coming along, at least, and shouldn't be too difficult to get everything working the way I'm trying to.
.. Hopefully!


Nothing's positioned well, and the gridlines are horribly visible between tiles..
Both of those issues should hopefully be fixed once I switch from hardcoded stuff to a properly made tilemap, with tilemap data including the starting layouts for all the balls. (Although I'll probably have to create a "Triangle of red balls go here!" because I don't expect the tilemap to be that precise.)

Technically it shouldn't be too hard to get it all working correctly. I suspect the hardest part will be doing proper collisions, where I need to bounce sprite-balls off of the edges of a tilemap based table, for all those balls!
Oh, joy!

On the MusicAL side of things, AL managed to create his fifth xmassy choon, last night, and it came out lovely.
I'm still unsure whether the release will be "All choons on Xmas Day" or a daily "12 Choons of Xmas" release. It depends entirely on whether I can get 12 choons done by Xmas day

Daily Doodle : Kitty High Five

Awww, Platdude got a new kitty to play with!
A mostly black cat, with white fluffy paws, and cute little grey ears.
.. What a weird looking cat!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually..
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Blog - 7-344 - T is for Table! - AGameAWeek