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Y7 - D324 - Beta Complete? Blog
20th November 2015


There are now 26 games in the Beta Collexion.

Over the course of today, I'm going to be playing the games over and over and over, to check for bugs and ensure they're as nicely playable as they oughta be, and then it'll be time to upload it.
I'll probably give it the weekend before doing all the uploading, giving me plenty of time to pick out any weird oddities along the way, but all should be good to go by then, so review time shouldn't be "too" long.. .. hopefully!!

The game will be released some time next week, meaning it oughta be ready to go, on whatever system you choose to play it on, by Tuesday 1st December.

A whole week?!!? ... Damn, that's slow!!! I could code another game in that amount of time!!!


I should probably note that an iOS edition isn't forthcoming. Although I did code ALL of these games so they work with just Direction + Button, there are many instances where shoving your thumbs over the screen will obscure important events.
There's just no getting around the fact that these are 100% controller-focussed games.
Perhaps for next year's advent calendar, I can find a way to make things work on iOS, too. No idea if that'll happen, though.


Daily Doodle : Game Over

This poor Platizen couldn't guess the word, and ran out of letters.
Poor thing..

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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Blog - Y7 - D324 - Beta Complete? - AGameAWeek