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Y7 - D304 - Apple TV Blog
31st October 2015


I got my Apple TV yesterday, and it's exactly what I expected it to be.
In many ways, it's exactly the same as the previous model, and will no doubt be used for most of the same things.
But now it has games. Except the games have to work with that niggly little tiny touchpad, and if you play (for example) Geometry Wars 3 for about an hour (eek! That went quick!!) then you'll end up with your thumb feeling a little numb, as if you've been rubbing it on some sandpaper for the last hour.
Given how fantastic every other Apple Trackpad, Touchscreen and even their Mouse has been, I'm a bit baffled as to why this particular touchpad has that slightly subtle grittiness to it.

Also, no controller in the box = Fail!!!

I might attempt porting some games over to the device at a later date, but I'd probably have to buy a second one so that the MacMini and the Apple TV are at least in the same room!

As it stands, it's a nice Apple device. That is to say, if you're an Apple nut, whose family all have iPhones, iPads and iPods, (Like me!!) then grabbing one will allow your TV to integrate into the world of streaming and whatnot. AirPlay is a powerful feature, and shouldn't be underestimated!

If you're an Android, or Windows Mobile user, however, then there's not much point except for the novelty of playing with the Apps. You'd be better off with a Chromecast, or whatever the better option of Android-Box there currently is.


Daily Doodle : Feeding Time

Platdude's about to feed the dog...


Today's mail comes from "Atari Boy"

Hi hi hi hi hi

How's your health?

Kisses and hugs.

Atari Boy

Hi hi hi hi hi to you, too.
Health is pretty much the same.
I've had a bit of a rubbish few weeks, with worse balance than usual, and so haven't gone for many daily strolls like I'm supposed to be doing.
Luckily I have my treadmill to keep me active, otherwise a life of sitting lazily on the couch would certainly not be good for me!

But otherwise I'm not feeling completely awful.. I'm plodding on, and seeing where life takes me.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D304 - Apple TV - AGameAWeek