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Another Android Multiplayer Controller Test Blog
24th October 2015
Hello, and welcome to yet another multiplayer controller test!!
(Bloody Android.. Grrr!)

Multiplayer Controller Test (.apk)

If you have an Android device with more than one controller connected, then I need your help.
Any Android device will do, from a mobile device with a ton of controllers connected, to a proper TV Micro Console or otherwise.
On Monday I intend to start making full use of this, but as with all Android things, it's best to get a decent sample size before moving ahead. .. Because every damn device is subtly different, due to the "Unique" way in which Android works :

How to "play"

Select any of the three options on the titlescreen. (They all do the exact same thing.)

Onscreen will be 4 numbered propellers.
Each propeller should (*should!*) be connected to a different controller.
(Don't worry if you only have one single controller connected, or just two, or even fifty!! Every tiny bit of information helps!)


Use the left analogue stick or dpad to move a propeller around.
Use the right analogue stick to move the "target" around the propeller.
Hitting the face buttons or shoulder buttons should display buttons on the 6 dots beside the propeller.
Hitting the upper face button (eg, XBox Y, Playstation Triangle) should open the quit menu.
Start/Back/Other should also open the quit menu.

You should be able to use any number of different controllers, in all manner of combinations.
Please try the game out on any controller-enabled devices that you have, and post any results in the comments below.

Known Issues

Archos Gamepad 2 : The internal gamepad seems to operate as 2 separate devices. Analogue controls appear as one port, whilst digital controls appear as a second.
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