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Y7 - D197 - Aaaand, Relax.. Blog
16th July 2015


Having done the upload of the update to Apple, I intended for yesterday to be the start of a new set of themes and "the next update" type stuff.
But I didn't.

In fact, I didn't do a bloomin' thing!

A milestone was reached, and my brain said "OK, let me rest now!" so I spent the majority of yesterday actually playing SpikeDislike3 instead of working on it.

I also spent a lot of time watching the going-on's at Amazon, since they were having their "Not Black Friday, Honest!" day, aptly called "Amazon Prime Day". (Allthough July 15th = 715, which definitely isn't a prime number!! Silly Amazon!!!*)

I bought a new NAS drive (WD My Cloud 4Tb) and a Treadmill (el 'cheapo, walky thing) to help me get a little more movement in my day.
I've been saying for the past couple of years that a treadmill is mostly useless to me. If I want a walk, I'd rather do it outside, and feel the benefit. But I'm lacking in what exercise I'm able to achieve, and I'm starting to get out of shape. I need something, and a treadmill appears to be a good enough idea.
.. I hope..

We'll see.

All of that stuff should be turning up at some point today, so expect tomorrow's blog to be mostly about me doing oodles of backups, and shuffling files from my old NAS to my new one, because I imagine that's pretty much what today will consist of. ... Once my deliveries arrive.

Random Screenshot of the Day



Daily Doodle : Taking Flight

The PlatBlimp is flying over the fields. But where is it going?

Mailbag Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

* Yes.. I know..
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Blog - Y7 - D197 - Aaaand, Relax.. - AGameAWeek