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This Week... Blog
5th September 2014
This week, I decided that I really oughta get a decent puzzle game onto the OUYA.
My first thought was to do a Tetris game, and recreate TetriPong, but as is usually the case, halfway through the planning stages, an ACTUAL Tetris game was launched, by The Tetris Company, onto the OUYA.
I'll probably save that for another time, then.
But what of my need for Puzzles? What other old AGameAWeek game can I trudge out as a new Puzzle game?

Oooh, I know!!

The game's "mostly" stable, and needs only scoring and a decent level structure. I'm not sure how I'm going to lay out the levels, but it's currently in sets of 5 levels..
No idea if I'm sticking with that.. Guess we'll find out later in the week..
Meanwhile, I'm desperately trying to cobble together as many levels as I can, within the short amount of time remaining.
Wish me luck!!!

Additional Note : I probably won't be releasing a HTML5 edition of this game, unless I can SERIOUSLY reduce the amount of stuff that's running ingame. To fully check for "groups", the game's looping through the grid 3 times. That's a fairly large grid * 3, 60 frames a second. .. HTML5 and Javascript are capable of a lot of things, but this isn't one of them! My Laptop gets nice and toasty, even during short tests.
I'll see if I can do something about that, but I'll probably just stick to exe/apk releases, to be on the safe side.
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