New games every week!
Uninteresting Wallpaper of the Moment Blog
31st August 2014
This week, I doodled a desktop.
It's nothing fancy, and is just there for the sake of being a nice desktop image.

With the AGameAWeek Logo


or Without..



There'll be no AGameAWeek, this week, mostly due to the fact that I bought myself an "Archos Gamepad 2".
It's a lovely little Android based tablet, with physical Wii-U-esque controls strapped to the sides.
With this, Emulators are a joy, and my own AGameAWeek Android games are also wonderfully fun to play on Android.
I've been missing an Android testbed for a few months, and with this, I hope to get back on board.
You can read more about my trials with the new device here.

Already, I've released two old AGameAWeek games onto the GooglePlay Store. Space Rocket Adventurers and ChuckABall are both up and running, ready to grab.
Over the next few days, I'll compile, test and upload a bunch more, so keep an eye out for those.

What a crazy week!!
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Daily Blog
New games every week!
Site credits : This was all done by Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 77

Blog - Uninteresting Wallpaper of the Moment - AGameAWeek