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25th February 2010
*Very ranty, and quite wordy!*
-=-=- There's a whole crapload of spam showing up in my inbox lately. Stupid rubbish uninteresting "Newsletters" that I probably did sign up for, expecting something good, but that I usually end up getting pissed off at, due to the lack of interesting.. anything! Aria is an example of how to do things well. sell nice cheap stuff, and they have daily bargains. Their daily newsletter is like a little catalogue of bargains every day. Always good to read, and pick up the odd ??50 1tb harddrive! But there are bad ones out there. There are REALLY bad ones out there. One of the worst pieces of weekly trash in my inbox is the GameDev "Newsletter" This is an unwritten, unchecked, automated spambot of crap. The spambot flicks through the site, blindly copy+pasting whatever content it can find, shovels it into a weekly email, then passes it off as something amazing. When I join up for a "Newsletter", I do not want your website in my inbox. I want you.. I want you writing things, I want you bothering, and I don't want some god damned copy+pasted list of sodding links. eg.. ==================== 2. GameDev NewsBytes ==================== [2/20/10] - GPU Pro 2: Call for Authors [0 Comments] Uhuh.. So, what about it? Where's the content in this newsletter? What's going on? Tell me stuff. WRITE SOMETHING!! FFS.. ANYTHING WOULD DO!!! USE A GOD DAMNED KEYBOARD, NOT JUST THE MOUSE!!! Lazy assed Newsletters are all the rage lately, and I'm getting sick to death of the bloody things. 1. B3ta - Content hand picked by the author, nicely written up. 2. SoCoder - Content hand picked by the author, nicely written up. (albeit by me!) 3. Aria - Well, it's a bargain isn't it!! Other than that, the rest can piss off.. Today I'll be mostly clicking "Unsubscribe" links. Views 103, Upvotes 8
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