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Y6:W13 - Boxsplodings Blog
31st March 2014
This week, I started out with a severely disturbing game idea, and ended up with a nice happy colourful arcade puzzle-type thing!
Hurray for colourful splodges!!


The original concept of the game popped into my head on Thursday night.
"What about".. I thought.. "a game where you're a suicide bomber, and have to kill as many people as you can?"
I may or may not have recently watched Die Hard with A Vengeance..

The idea festered for a few hours, with me desperately trying to find a way to make that concept a little less. .. um.. disturbing!!!
And then I remembered Gravity Bombs, and how the little circles floating in space seemed to work reasonably well.
I figured that would probably work well, and with a BlastTrax inspired layout, I even managed to get around having to draw a massive tilemap.
In all, this actually managed to come together in a reasonably short amount of time. And then I realised I needed some levels!!!
Each level starts life as a small 32x32 monochrome image, and is rendered much like Alien Deathmatch's levels, into a larger map. At first the spawning enemies were entirely random, but after a few gameplay tweaks I ended up plotting them in myself, which then required lots of testing to ensure each level was, at the very least, 50% completable.

As you can imagine, trying to build 64 levels for a game that didn't exist the day before, was a bit of a task, and after a few thousand compile/test/redraw's, I finally decided that enough was enough.

As such, not all the levels are 100% completable. Or rather, they're not tested to be 100% doable. They're all tested, retested, super-tested and overtested, to ensure that each and every level can be AT LEAST 50% completable. After that, you're on your own!
Let me know how well you do.

Anyway.. You can Download Boxsplodings here for Windows, OUYA and HTML5. An Android and iOS edition is due later on in the month, once I've formulated a nice new menu system, added some more levels, and rejigged some other bits and pieces.

.. A busy month ahead, methinks!
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