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Icon Builder - Feb 2014 Blog
23rd February 2014
If you, like me, get sick to death of resizing images to 75,000,000 different sizes, just so that iOS can show a tiny icon on your game, you'll probably love to have some kind of little tool to do it all for you.

When I first started my development in Monkey, I created a little tool to make a bunch of icons.
Over the course of the past year, the tool has expanded to cope with all kinds of other challenges.

You can Download Icon Builder here. Rough instructions are below.


Simple Usage

Remove all the icon_xyz.png images, and add your own.
You can use any sizes you want from Icon_32 up to Icon_1024. The program should (*should!) use whichever is closest to the target size.
I tend to stick to a single Icon_512.png, but then I'm a lazy bugger!

Run the program, and you'll find all the icons you've ever wished for.

Icons/ holds the iOS icons, whilst Icons_extra has a few extra bits and pieces.
Launch/ contains iOS Launch images
Feature/ contains a selection of images for various purposes
Screenshots/ contains resized and cropped versions of all .png images in it's root.


Advanced Usage

1. Change backing.png to whatever you'd like. This will be used on things like Launch images and Feature images.

2. Replace the screenshots with your own. Screenshots are resized and cropped to all the different sizes you should ever need.

3. Replace 001-My_Logo.png with your own. This appears on the top-left of some of the Feature images.

Rerun to see changes to Launch and Feature images, as well as getting nice new screenshots.

If you require extra icons/images at odd sizes, open up the .ini and you can tweak as required.


Monkey Usage

If you're developing games using Monkey, I've set this tool up to work nicely alongside your current project.
if your game is at MyGame/ and MyGame/, place this into MyGame/IconBuilder/, and run it from there.
If there's a logo-hd2.png image within the data folder, that image will be used when creating Launch and Feature images.
If you've got an Android target within the .build folder, the icon builder will automatically place the expected 3 icon sizes in that folder for you.

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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Icon Builder - Feb 2014 - AGameAWeek