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Becoming Anti-iOS... Blog
2nd February 2014
I love my iOS devices, and I love the iOS Ecosystem.
I also love that iOS has (so far) been the only bloomin' way that I've managed to sell my games in a fruitful manner.
(Android sales have been.. *shrugs* Pisspoor!!)

In order to get a Monkey-x game onto iOS, I first need to transfer the code to the Mac (Drag 'n' Drop over the network) then recompile with a few choice tweaks along the way.
The game then needs approximately 738 different icons, which all look the same, but are marginally different sizes, because iOS inexplicably can't be bothered resizing the bloody things on it's own.-=-=-

Next, I need to log into iTunesConnect and fill in all the details about the game.
I need to supply around about 15 screenshots for the game. 5 at iPhone resolution, 5 at iPhone 5- "TALL" resolution, and 5 at iPad resolution.
Next I need to go through the GameCenter crap, filling in form after form after form with damn near identical data, so the game has some highscore tables. Once all they're done, it's time to add the Achievements, which is even more crappy form filling, coupled with a 1024x1024 hi-resolution "Badge" icon for every single bloody one.
Over and over and over and over again...

By the time that's all done, it's time to compile, break, fix, recompile and then shout at the Mac for not doing it's "Permissions" the way it's bloody well supposed to...
Then I finally get it uploaded, and need to sit around for a week before Apple manages to approve the thing. (Which they seem all too happy to do, even with gigantic fucking flaws in the games. I swear, they're not even looking at these things, anymore.)

It takes about a day of form filling, and week for the game to get through the Apple-Crap.
Compare that to OUYA development, which is pretty much "Hit F5, upload, fill in a SINGLE FORM, wait a day for review", and you can see the massive difference between the two formats.

OUYA and Android fit into my AGameAWeek schedule. GameJolt uploads are equally simplistic, albeit a bit messier, with me having to jump about from page to page, filling in single-items on each page. (Screenshots go here, thumbnail goes elsewhere, music goes there, uploads go somewhere else, don't forget the header, etc)

iOS Development is frustrating in comparison, and you'll probably notice it's very much taken a backseat.

I still love it, but I'd love it SO much more, if it was quicker to get all of this stuff sorted.

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Blog - Becoming Anti-iOS... - AGameAWeek