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1 Day left : Coder's block...
7th February 2010
Centipong has been wrought with issues since day 56. It's been a bit of a pain, but for a whole bunch of obscure reasons.
I'm up to my last day, and I just wanted you folks to expect something slight odd with this release. See, the thing is, as much as this IS Centipong TWO, I didn't really want to tread the exact same path. I've already done Centipong, and Centipong Jr in Java, and Centipong DS as well. And starting this project seemed like a great idea, but it's the exact same thing AGAIN! It's been really hard to push myself along the exact same path that I've already done. I haven't found this to be a fulfilling coding experience, it's dragged and dragged and it's all been a little bit overly repetitive. The paddle's there, the balls there, the pods are there, the mushrooms are there, there are progressive waves getting longer and faster. But.. There's no pickups. If I add the pickups I end up with the same "Grow the paddle, shrink the paddle, add a ball" type things, and.. we've done them before. I'm trying to come up with something All-New, but absolutely nothing is coming to mind. Progress is stupidly slow, and I'm finding myself just batting the ball about, wondering what else I could possibly add. I got nothing... If you've an idea, let me know quicky, because otherwise Centipong 2 is going to be a bit pants compared to the original. ( his best EA PR person's voice) But it'll look better!!!! Views 59, Upvotes 10
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