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External Links Blog
17th January 2014
There are hundreds of great sites that I should probably link to, and much like linking to my hundreds of games, I've always found it a bit of a mess once I start trying to cram it all into a small sidebar on the right of the site.

As such, I've finally opted to create one great big link-page, full of everything I could think of within the short hour or so that it took to add it!
If you're missing from this page, let me know!!

Programming Languages


I've used pretty much every flavour of BlitzBasic since the Amiga, and I'm still using it today.
BlitzBasic, Blitz2D, Blitz3D, BlitzPlus and more recently, BlitzMax have all held a special place in my Archive. About 90% or more of my games are written using a Blitz language.


Monkey-X is a Cross-Compiler language, with modern day mobile-device targets available, as well as the main exe's and even HTML5 and Flash. Monkey is my current language of choice. And it's even created by the Blitz team, too.. (Boy, am I a fanboy, or what!?)


Created by brothers Joe and Seb Lenton, PlayMyCode is a fully featured programming language that exists inside your browser. Create an account (free) and you can code your own little games directly inside the website, and then play the games inside your browser. You can also share your games with others, who can also peek inside your code, and even Fork your projects to create their own offsprings.
It's a wonderful little website, and I've made oodles of games using the thing.


A few of my iOS games were created using Cocos2D. I found it to be a nice comfortable library, it worked pretty well, and it did exactly what I needed it to.
It's a good language, especially since it's free.
The only reason I stopped using it was because Monkey-X came along, and saved me the hassle of having to port everything to different languages all the time!

Rapid Developers


Website creator @McFunkypants decided to take the concept of AGameAWeek, and transform it into something more stable, and achievable.
He created a website where developers could post their monthly projects, and would gain scores for doing it.
It's easy enough to get started. Just log in with your twitter account, and post a link to your first project. Then a month later, add the next.. And then another!


CaffeineKid jumped on board with the whole OneGameAMonth idea, and has successfully managed to create a whole bunch of great little Android and OUYA games over the course of 2013. Unfortunately, he's not updated his blog since April, so I've just linked to his #1GAM page, instead!


Alexander Shen has taken things in entirely the opposite direction, and decided to try to create something new EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
From simple craftworks, to larger projects, Alex is really taking on an epic project, and it'll be fun to watch him attempt to create new things through the entire year!


For a while, NMcCoy was trying the whole "AGameAWeek" thing, too, but then one of his games got ripped off, BIG TIME, and .. then.. it all ground to a halt.
He continues to make games, and has recently switched from a basic blog-style website, to a totally forum-based site, where he posts frequent screenshots and other things.


A random selection of folk on Twitter, in no particular order.

Spinal_Cord : Fiddles with old-tech to make new things.
LorenBednar : Makes lovely spritesheets
CaffeineKid : Makes plenty of games!
GigerPunk : Makes videos of his old C64 collection.. Also, has many chickens!
RetroRemakes : Rob makes games with very flashy graphics!
Nyarluu : Creates lovely retro-styled games, full of colour.
MadGarden : Created GlitchMachine on iOS! Also made lots of other more popular stuff, but GlitchMachine FTW!!!
Ste Pickford : Created Plok, and Sticky Balls, and Magnetic Billiards, and loads of other stuff!
McFunkypants : Created OneGameAMonth.
chinnyhill10 : His avatar is an Amstrad. o/yeayo/
Jamie84303 : Writes for
Craig Grannell : An Apple Fanatic, and frequently published magazine writer.
Another World : Enjoys playing retro/handheld games.
Sobtanian : *BLOCKED*



The spiritual successor to BlitzCoder and CodersWorkshop has been up and running since 2006. It doesn't look awesome, it uses oldskool html techniques, and it relies on an old crapped out, creaky server which is in desperate need of an update. ... But it still works, and it's got a fully fledged oldskool community of coders standing by to help with any obscure coding queries.
Fact : SoCoder was hand-carved by my very own hands, using Programmer's Notepad and not much else!!
If you ever need to discuss something in a forum style layout, that's the best place to reach me.


The community hub for all things retro. The site used to be entirely about making remakes of classic games, but over the years has sprawled into a general all-purpose retro meeting area.
If you want the heads up on anything blocky and pixelated, this is probably the best place to find it.

Curly's World of Freeware

A lovely community of Freeware-Hunters, who scour the internet in the hopes of finding the best free games that are out there.


Other random sites you might spot me on, are..
GBATemp A site dedicated to hacking, homebrew, and other such stuff.
TouchArcade If you've got an iOS device, this is the forum for you!
TIGSource A forum for Indies, which mostly got trashed when the whole Kickstarter thing turned up.

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Site credits : All of the above : Jayenkai
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 79

Blog - External Links - AGameAWeek