New games every week!
This Week Blog
3rd January 2014
As week one rapidly approaches, and I'm posting less and less, it's probably apparent that I'm knee deep in the middle of a mega-coding frenzy.
Or, if that's not apparent, let it be known.. I'm knee deep in the middle of a mega-coding frenzy!!

Over the past week or so, I've overhauled quite a few features of my framework, including getting things prepared for OUYA, with controller additions and things like that. I've learned quite a few little bits and pieces about controllers over the last few months, and all of that's been collected together, and is now part of the permanent framework.
Over the next week or two, I'll be bundling it all together, stress testing it, and releasing a new version of my Monkey Framework for folk to make use of, if they feel the need.

But what of this week's game?
Well, if you've been following my Twitter account, you've probably already seen a few screenshots from it.

I've decided to finally put together a decent Mini-RPG, and for a change, things seem to actually be slotting into place!
I can't guarantee a proper RPG experience, because.. really.. it's only a week's worth of work going into this!! But I'm trying my best to come up with a nice way to make progress obvious to the player. .. Whilst also relying on our good friend "Mr Random Level Generation!" to keep me from having to design a million levels.

The game's also relying on a whole host of old sprites, to save me the trouble of drawing oodles of new things. Lifted directly out of a previous Mini-RPG attempt, we've got Greenie and Dave inside a dungeon with a whole host of enemies from The Quest.
In fact, the two games share a very similar style, except this time we're going to be doing things in a proper Action-Orientated manner, instead of the odd board-game style that The Quest took.

Anyway, that's coming up, and should be appearing on Tuesday... But there's still an awful lot of work to do before the game's complete.
.. Loads, in fact!!

Stay tuned : AGameAWeek-2014 kicks off, on Tuesday 7th!
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Daily Blog
New games every week!
Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 98

Blog - This Week - AGameAWeek