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Counting Steps Blog
30th November 2013
Last March I was taken into hospital with a brain tumor. There's a lengthy blog about that, here.

Since then, although I'm "mentally" fine, I'm all sorts of physically screwed up!

I can barely stand in one spot without wobbling about, and trying to have a short stroll outside is somewhat chaotic.
In general I tend to stumble around, and can barely look around me, so have to always have someone with me incase I randomly wander into the path of oncoming traffic!.. Which I can't look out for, because I'm unable to glance around!!

It's a dangerous world out there, and I'm not fit enough to cope with it!!

As the year has gone on, I've been tackling walks.
Some days I'm able to get as far as the local village center. Other days, I can barely walks around to the corner of the street before I'm struggling. .. And it's not a very big street, either!

I've taken to counting steps using my 3DS. Each day me and Mum brave the outdoors, and we see how far I start to stumble too much and need to turn back.
On good days, I can manage a decent distance. On others, nothing much at all.

Realtime stats are provided via Twitter : @Jayenkai : Watch out for "Today's Stroll" tweets!

For those interested in stats, a collection of Step-Stats since Mid-June are available in This Google Doc's Spreadsheet, and will be updated for as long as I can remember to do that!!


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