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Sheep Goes Right - OUYA Test Blog
21st November 2013
It feels like AGES since I last posted a Sheep Goes Right test.
In fact, it's been just over a month.
October 14th was the last version, and today I'm posting a second test release.
This time, I'm releasing an APK for OUYA.
For testing purposes, this should also work on Android devices, but it's untested, and I'm not exactly sure how Monkey copes with things like that!'ll have a great big overscan border, for starters!!!

Anyway, if you've an OUYA, I'd appreciate a quick test, and some feedback.

Grab the APK here

It's a neat little APK.. It's not quite finished yet, but there's enough to keep you occupied for a couple of minutes or so!


It currently contains the exact same 10 levels that were in the original test, over a month ago, so it probably looks like I've been a lazy bugger and haven't done anything at all!
In actual fact, there's LOADS of work been put into the game, ranging from the new menu/world layout system, to a total overhaul of the saving, as well as me having put in the groundwork for loads of different level/world types, and their various features.
But they're all locked out, and won't be shown until everything else is ready!

For now, there's a bunch of levels to test, scores to gain, and ... um.. yeah, that's about it.

Anyway, if you've an OUYA, give it a whirl, and let me know what you think..
Good/Bad/Ugly, any comments are appreciated.
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