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First OUYA Test Blog
11th October 2013
Do you have an OUYA?
Would you like to see my Monkey Framework running on your telly!?!
It's nothing amazing, and is entirely developer-test-functionality-stuff as opposed to being something that you can actually play with, but if you'd like to give it a whirl, you can download the .apk file right here.


Things of note.
1. D'oh!
The AGameAWeek Logo is clickable, but you can't do it from the controller without needing to use the touchpad. Hmm.. I hadn't previously realised that, but ... well.. there you go!!

2. controller
Pretty much the entire controller works, as far as my configured button layout's concerned.
Clicking the two thumbsticks in doesn't do anything, but every other button on the controller actually achieves a proper amount of feedback, and the two triggers even register correctly, which is nice.
Even the DPad works!!
The Ouya-Menu-Button-Thing is a bit quirky, but I think that's more down to how the OUYA OS works, more than my code.

3. Overscan
Now, THIS, I wasn't expecting..
This is how the framework SHOULD look..

And here's what it looks like on my telly, through the OUYA.

For the most part, there's not much of a difference, but take a look at the "Pause" icon on the top left of the screen.


Clicking on the AGameAWeek logo on the menu brings up the Testcard Credits, and the top-left figures are the screen resolution. It's accurately displaying 1920x1080, so I know that my code is fitting into the correct screensize, so I'm now wondering what exactly is causing the overscan..
Is the OUYA overscaling it's output, or is it my cheap TV doing something quirky!?
I'm honestly not sure, but either way it seems I'm going to have to start adding Overscan settings into my framework.


Anyway, if you've an OUYA, give it a whirl, and let me know what happens on your telly.

I'll carry on tweaking things, and with any luck you should see a game or two pop up in the OUYA Marketplace within the next few days. (maybe!!)
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