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Weekend Retreat - Don't Flip Out Blog
5th July 2013
Over the years, @Spinal_Cord has continued to perfect the stylings of the top-down maze genre.
Taking his cues from an old C64 game he once played, Sensitive, he has created a whole host of variations on the theme over the course of his time doing game-dev.

His latest effort in this genre sees him using the Monkey language, along with some lovely simple 2D commands, to generate a faux-3D look, which wouldn't look out of place in an old-school tech, or scene music demo.


The gameplay is simple. Guide your block over the maze, one step at a time, without falling from the floating platform.
If you can get to the exit without plummeting to your death, whilst releasing all the falling tiles, you can move onto the next level.

A simple enough premise, with more than enough levels to keep you playing for a long time.

Give it a whirl.

You can Play Don't Flip Out here directly inside your browser.
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Blog - Weekend Retreat - Don't Flip Out - AGameAWeek