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AGameAWeek Gold - Stringy Things Blog
26th May 2013
AGameAWeek Gold takes a trip through my archive of games, and plucks out any games that may have been previously released on this day in history.

Sometimes it finds recent games from the past few years of me doing AGameAWeek.

Other times, however, it finds really really really old games, from a time when the concept of doing a new game every week wasn't even a gleam in my eye!-=-=-

2003 - Stringy Things

Stringy Things is officially 10 years old, today.
It'd be nice to go "So here's the new one!!", but the new one's kinda knackered depending on what system you play it on.
... hmmm..
Kinda worrying that the 10 year old version runs better than the month old one..

.. anyhooo...

Things of Note

1. "Is that..?"
Since this is a REALLY EARLY JNK Windows Blitz2D game, a few elements might be recognisable as having been ripped from other games. Most noticable is the "Sonic - Ring Collect" sound that I nicked, along with all those MOD tunes that I never bothered adding any credits for. tsk, tsk. Naughty me

2. SMP
This game uses the "Standardised Music Player" engine. I created this in my early days of Blitz Coding so I that players could build up their own soundtracks, and have them play in a variety of my games. It almost would've worked, if Microsoft didn't keep changing the bloody rules of what you can and can't do in certain directories, all the sodding time. grrr! SMP was later abandoned, due to it breaking certain games on certain systems.

3. Control Chaos
Strings uses Mouse, but you have to left click EVERYTHING! Considering how nice and neat future Stringy Things are, I found this quite a terrible control scheme! Click each tile to make the words, then click "Enter Word" to enter it.
Snakes bizarely uses cursor keys, just to throw you off!

4. Pause Screen
Three days ago, I took my time recreating a Testcard, for the purposes of having a nice big desktop image.
I then considered remaking the thing, but in realtime, to use as my future Pause screens.
How cool would it look to have a silly little testcard pop up as your pause menu!?!

Today, I hit the pause button in Stringy Things (Spacebar) and was literally gobsmacked by what appeared..

Great minds think alike!
.. or rather, the same mind keeps coming up with the same frickin' idea!! 10 years later!!

You can Download Stringy Things here for Windows.
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